We decided to take a cruise from Rome to Athens this year for our Pearl Wedding Anniversary. As we hadn’t been to Rome before, we asked our travel agent, Bolsover Cruise Club, to organise a couple of nights in Rome before the cruise departed from Civitavecchia.
I had booked a Vatican City tour for the afternoon we arrived in Rome but we made it by the skin of our teeth. Plane late, transfer late, room not ready, wrong directions for meeting place, been there, got the T-shirt…. Anyway, to the credit of the Company organizing the tour, they left someone at the meeting point in case we showed up – brilliant. If you need them they’re called Vatican City Tours.
The following day we walked around Rome itself and went from our hotel which was in the Vatican City area, across to Piazza del Popolo, then Villa Borghese, down to the Spanish Steps, which were cordoned off for restoration work, down to the Trevi Fountain, then the Pantheon, Piazza Navona, Castel sant’Angelo and then back to the hotel. A long day but thoroughly enjoyable. The next morning before leaving for the cruise terminal at Civitavecchia we had another stroll across Ponte Sant’Angelo up to Piazza del Popolo where we enjoyed a coffee and people watching session.
Here are some images from our full days walk :-
#HotelNHLeonardodaVinci #AzamaraJourney #TreviFountain #ThePantheon #SpanishSteps #VillaBorghese #BolsoverCruiseClub #PiazzaNavona #VaticanCity #Piazzadelpopolo #Italy #Civitavecchia #CastelSantAngelo #Rome