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A break in Scotland

Last week, a number of f4 Photographic Group members went up to Scottish Photography Hides for a short break. The trip, organised by one of our members, Tracey Lund (aka Wild Aperture Tours) was a concentrated wildlife photography break spread between a number of daytime and evening locations and subjects, with renowned wildlife photographer Alan McFadyen overseeing and looking after us.

The weather wasn't too bad and as we were in a hide, we kept dry although the wind had a distinct chill to it. I had planned to do 2 daytime and 2 evening sessions and thought I'd prefer to keep warm for the last evening and gave the otter hide a miss. BIG mistake. All the guys decided to have a meal and a couple of drinks but hardy ladies Tracey and newest member Kara braved the cold and were rewarded with super otter shots. Maybe next time. Thanks to Alan for brilliant locations and to Tracey for organising.

Here are a few images from the trip :-


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